Navigating from the White Anthropocene to the Black Chthulucene

Navigating from the White Anthropocene to the Black Chthulucene

Through an analysis of Buster Keaton’s classic The Navigator through the combined lenses of posthumanism and critical race theory, Navigating from the White Anthropocene to the Black Chthulucene deconstructs white modernity and posits a ‘black’ future.

Navigating from the White Anthropocene to the Black Chthulucene

Through an analysis of Buster Keaton’s classic The Navigator through the combined lenses of posthumanism and critical race theory, Navigating from the White Anthropocene to the Black Chthulucene deconstructs white modernity and posits a ‘black’ future.

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Jun 30, 2023

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Jun 30, 2023

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William Brown
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Black studies (global), Film & video, Social


Navigating from the White Anthropocene to the Black Chthulucene radically re-interprets Buster Keaton's iconic 1924 film, The Navigator, through the combined lenses of posthumanism and critical race theory. This book deconstructs the film's underlying anti-Blackness and anti-Indigeneity while exposing the unthinking whiteness of theorists and philosophers, including Gilles Deleuze, who have given Keaton's work pride of place in the history of cinema. Through its daring and provocative analysis of Keaton's classic, Navigating from the White Anthropocene to the Black Chthulucene invites us to consider cinema itself, at least in its classical narrative form, as a tool for constructing and maintaining white supremacy while building the conceptual tools for a world beyond whiteness.

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