Left for Itself, A

Left for Itself, A

The first full length analysis of the rise of left-wing hobbyists, performative radicals and the identity Left.

Left for Itself, A

The first full length analysis of the rise of left-wing hobbyists, performative radicals and the identity Left.

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Oct 25, 2019

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David Swift
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Communism, post-communism & socialism, Comparative politics, Social policy


In the first full length analysis of the rise of left-wing hobbyists, performative radicals and the 'Identity Left', A Left for Itself interrogates the connection between socio-economic realities and politico-cultural views and boldly asks what is a worthy politics, one for the follower count or one for effecting change.

'In the sometimes febrile environment of contemporary left politics, this book is a measured and evaluative contribution. David Swift cuts through the rhetoric of often violent and divisive exchanges to uncover the roots, motivations, diverse character and strengths and weaknesses of the current phenomenon of so-called ‘identity politics’.'
Dr Stephen Meredith

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