Concepts for a Democratic and Ecological Society

Concepts for a Democratic and Ecological Society

A book about the fundamental conflict between democratic aspirations and the imposed norms of capitalism.

Concepts for a Democratic and Ecological Society

A book about the fundamental conflict between democratic aspirations and the imposed norms of capitalism.

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May 27, 2022

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May 27, 2022

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Yavor Tarinski
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Civics & citizenship, Political freedom, Utopias


Yavor Tarinski examines the fundamental conflict between democratic aspirations and the imposed norms of capitalism, the potential for directly democratic and ecologically designed cities, the imperative to renew the commons, and the prospects for a genuine solidarity economy to overturn the ravages of capitalist economic growth. It critiques bureaucratic, technocratic and conspiracist tendencies both in mainstream discourse and on the Left, and offers a compelling and uplifting vision of a thoroughly transformed social order.

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