Advancing Conversations: Srećko Horvat - Subversion!

Advancing Conversations: Srećko Horvat - Subversion!

An interview with acclaimed European philosopher and political activist Srećko Horvat.

Advancing Conversations: Srećko Horvat - Subversion!

An interview with acclaimed European philosopher and political activist Srećko Horvat.

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Feb 24, 2017

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Feb 24, 2017

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Alfie Bown
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Srećko Horvat
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European, Individual philosophers, Post-structuralism


In a world dominated by capitalism which is dangerously sliding into a new kind of fascism, Srećko Horvat's new book explores the concept of subverting the dominant paradigm in politics, technology and love. Drawing from his own experience of participating in different protest movements all around the world, working closely with WikiLeaks and being one of the protagonists of the Democracy in Europe Movement 2025, Horvat resists the prevailing melancholy of the Left by offering new political imagination beyond traditional concepts. Instead of the tension between horizontal movements or vertical political parties, “Subversion!” opts for a radical dialectics of both methods as the only way out of our current deadlock. If there is a crack in everything, the way to use the light that gets in is constructive subversion.

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