T C Lethbridge

T C Lethbridge

The industry of T.C. Lethbridge progressed far beyond the remits of his vocation and challenges our very understanding of the universe.

T C Lethbridge

The industry of T.C. Lethbridge progressed far beyond the remits of his vocation and challenges our very understanding of the universe.

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May 27, 2011

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Terry Welbourn
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Biography & autobiography (general)


Lethbridge was Keeper of Anglo-Saxon Antiquities at the Cambridge Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology from 1922-1956. Terry Welbourn’s biography ‘T.C. Lethbridge - The Man Who Saw the Future’, with a foreword written by Colin Wilson, reveals many intriguing facets of a remarkable man.What is extraordinary about Lethbridge’s life is how he witnessed and recorded the 20th century with extraordinary detail: from the discovery of new lands during his Arctic adventures, through to his pragmatic investigations into occult phenomena.Lethbridge believed that the supernatural of one generation would eventually become the natural of the next and that all occult phenomena would in time be explained by science. His understanding of dimensions operating on different vibrational rates is akin to String Theory, an ongoing branch of science instigated by theoretical physicist Gabriele Veneziano.Lethbridge did not perceive himself as a radical. He had an enquiring mind and simply wished to find things out. Since his death in 1971, Lethbridge has become somewhat of a cult figure and his influence still remains far-reaching. It is only a matter of time before he is finally acknowledged as being one of the greatest, but overlooked minds of the 20th century.


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