Printing Errors: Printing first error object from list of errors Error code: NoResults Error message: No results found for your request. Printing Errors: Printing first error object from list of errors Error code: NoResults Error message: No results found for your request. Reality Transurfing 3 from O-Books
Reality Transurfing 3

Reality Transurfing 3

Reality Transurfing 3

Paperback £9.99 || $19.95

Dec 5, 2008

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Vadim Zeland
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This bestselling series from Russia describes a new way of looking at reality, indeed of creating it. It provides a scientific explanation of the laws that help you do this, building up a scientific model, speaking in detail about particular rules to follow and giving important how-to tips, illustrated with examples. Bringing together the cutting edge of modern science and philosophical teaching, the book's style is popular-scientific, metaphorical and conversational. This third volume covers your place in space and time. You can move backwards and forwards in both. It comes down to making a transaction. You don't need to push the world in your ambition to achieve your goals. You will see that the world is going towards you with open arms. People will feel drawn to you without any explanation. In order to achieve your goals, you do not have to be strong and self-confident. There is another and a much more efficient alternative, a way of thinking and acting so that luck will always be on your side. Do visit

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