Parable of His-Story, The

Parable of His-Story, The

  A book that changes the way we think about everything, from who does the cleaning to who rules the world.

Parable of His-Story, The

  A book that changes the way we think about everything, from who does the cleaning to who rules the world.

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Dec 9, 2011

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Nick Taylor
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Mind & body, New thought, Religion (general)



If History is written by the victors then this is His-Story, as corrected by the losers.

The Parable of His-Story is a telling of the age where men have been in charge. Inspired by ideas of feminism and spirituality, it suggests that eternal rules are temporary examples of a one sided story, repeatedly told to glorify the masculine and denigrate the feminine.

Charting the origin of this story at the dawn of civilization, the book details how his-story spread across the world through successive masculine-driven empires and affected our ideas of sex, gender, sexuality and race. As the financial system crumbles, as religious and political ideologies grow more extreme and as more of us contribute to a collective consciousness through the Internet, The Parable offers suggestions as to what we need to remember in order to bring ourselves, and our relations with our planet, back into balance.

If you’ve ever wondered why zero has been taught to mean nothing, why gay has come to be synonymous with rubbish, and why all the major monotheistic gods are blokes, then this book is for you.

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