Collected Stories

Collected Stories

1,001 vivid very short stories covering Philip Rawley's development during five decades and his encounters with people who reflect the Age.

Collected Stories

1,001 vivid very short stories covering Philip Rawley's development during five decades and his encounters with people who reflect the Age.

Paperback £29.99 || $59.95

Jan 26, 2007

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Nicholas Hagger
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Short stories (single author)


Nicholas Hagger's collected five volumes of some 1,000 very short stories here create a new genre: the symbolic or miniature story. Each story expresses an eternal truth through an image conveyed in a vivid title, and can provide the reader with a complete literary experience in a few minutes. They make ideal reading for the train, in bed, in a hospital or as a class-room text. Each volume covers a decade, starting with the 1960s and ending with the 2000s, while each story stands on its own but chimes to a theme, the development being from horror to acceptance.

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