Embrace the Infinite

Embrace the Infinite

Learn how your inner geek can make you more spiritually fulfilled. Period.

Embrace the Infinite

Learn how your inner geek can make you more spiritually fulfilled. Period.

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Mar 30, 2012

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Mar 16, 2012

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Anthony Mannucci
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Has the modern scientific world robbed our lives of a deeper sense of meaning and purpose? Has science rendered God irrelevant? Or can science actually bring us towards a deeper spiritual understanding and a greater sense of joy in our daily lives? Space scientist and physicist Dr. Anthony Mannucci answers these questions from a unique point of view. He reveals an Absolute Truth that is central to science and to our nature as spiritual beings. He expertly reveals that science and spirituality are not distant cousins but in fact share a bond. Dr. Mannucci shows how the right words and ideas can change your life. In concluding the book, Dr. Mannucci discusses the importance of mystery and awe, two emotions familiar to every scientist. You will find the ideas in this book original and refreshing, conveying a message of hope and joy. Those who embrace these words will not regret their decision.

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