Let the Bible Be Itself

Let the Bible Be Itself

Let the Bible Be Itself

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Nov 29, 2008

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Ray Vincent
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Bible study guides, Christianity (general)


This is likely to prove one of the most important books on the Bible from a committed Christian so far, the most honest and least bibliolatrous. John Henson, Author of "Good as New", "Other Communions of Jesus" etc. Let The Bible Be Itself examines where the Bible came from, what were the purposes for which it was originally intended, and how and why it became so central to the Christian faith. It asks: has the Bible ever in fact been the supreme authority for Christians? Was it really meant to be? The author suggests that we should give up approaching the Bible reverentially as an authority, trying to get our heads around all its problems, or – just as bad –pretending it really says the things we want it to say. The best way we can honor the Bible is by coming to it as we are and seeing it as it is. In this way we can enter into a real dialogue with it and appreciate what a marvelous, passionate, vibrant collection of writings it is. Ray Vincent is a Baptist minister and is an Associate Chaplain at the University of Glamorgan.

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