Creative Christian

Creative Christian

Creative Christian

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Nov 24, 2006

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Adrian B. Smith
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Christology, Philosophy


We fear for our future as a human race. The whole world is crying out for a new vision, a new way of ordering our world. It is scarcely recognised that we have, in fact, already been given that vision. It has been preached for centuries but its appropriateness for our times is not appreciated. It was given to us by a man from a small village in Palestine who lived in an occupied country and gave hope to an oppressed peasantry. To be empowered by that vision today it is imperative to focus anew on the person and message of Jesus of Nazareth. Can this vision be applied to our fast-evolving world, in our chaotic multi-cultural society with total global communication and the universal fear of terrorism which forms the backdrop of our lives? It can, because we human beings possess the unique quality of being creative. We have it within our power to change the world.

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