Grimworld is a new Our Street title, coming out in October 2019

06/08/19 | By Brynneth-Nimue Brown
Book News

Avery Moray is a storyteller who specializes in middle grade and young adult fantasy. Her novel Grimworld comes out in October 2019 and introduces us to a gloriously dark world, ideal for young readers who relish the grim and grotesque mixed with cuteness and whimsy.

Every day, thirteen year old Henry Bats has his usual bowl of Sugar Slugs, helps tend Cobalt Sidewinders at Frank’s Peculiar Pets, and keeps to himself with his comic book collection. Just your typical day in Grimworld, where the sky is always dark and shadows lurk in the streets. What’s not typical is a suspicious Nightspook luring Henry into a cemetery in the middle of the night with the promise of a prized comic book.

The Nightspook steals part of Henry's lifespan with a pocket watch, which begins counting down to his death. Henry is running out of time, and the pocket watch won't stop ticking...

Young readers who enjoy a bit of Tim Burton are likely to also enjoy this book.

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