Disordered Minds

Disordered Minds

A compelling account of the dangers posed by narcissistic leaders, and why their rise to power has become the hallmark of our age.

Disordered Minds

A compelling account of the dangers posed by narcissistic leaders, and why their rise to power has become the hallmark of our age.

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Sep 28, 2018

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Sep 28, 2018

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Ian Hughes
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Economic conditions, Leadership, Personality disorders


Disordered Minds offers a compelling and timely account of the dangers posed by narcissistic leaders, and provides a stark warning that the conditions in which this psychopathy flourishes - extremes of social inequality and a culture of hyper-individualism - are the hallmarks of our present age.

'An excellent account of how malignant narcissism is evident in the lives of the great dictators, and how the conditions in which this psychopathy flourishes have returned to haunt us.'
Dr Kieran Keohane, editor of The Social Pathologies of Contemporary Civilization

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