Sweetening the Pill

Sweetening the Pill

Is it really true? Has contraception liberated or oppressed women?

Sweetening the Pill

Is it really true? Has contraception liberated or oppressed women?

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Sep 27, 2013

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Sep 27, 2013

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Holly Grigg-Spall
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Feminism & feminist theory, Women's health, Women's studies


Millions of healthy women take a powerful medication every day from their mid-teens to menopause - the Pill - but few know how this drug works or the potential side effects. Contrary to cultural myth, the birth-control pill impacts on every organ and function of the body, and yet most women do not even think of it as a drug. Depression, anxiety, paranoia, rage, panic attacks - just a few of the effects of the Pill on half of the over 80% of women who pop these tablets during their lifetimes.
When the Pill was released, it was thought that women would not submit to taking a medication each day when they were not sick. Now the Pill is making women sick.
However, there are a growing number of women looking for non-hormonal alternatives for preventing pregnancy. In a bid to spark the backlash against hormonal contraceptives, this book asks: Why can't we criticize the Pill?

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