

A bunch of tiny essays on life after irony, this is a book to help smart people feel hip and hip people feel smart.


A bunch of tiny essays on life after irony, this is a book to help smart people feel hip and hip people feel smart.

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Feb 22, 2013

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Feb 22, 2013

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Chuk Moran
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Popular culture, Social science (general)


To speak ironically is to speak just for the effect. To speak superactually is to do something with words and take responsibility for that action. This is a book of short, provocative essays. Some are on fun topics in pop culture (hackers, dubstep, cat memes, thinking green, parkour, and the girl next door). Others are takes on technical topics in social theory (sensation, hype, discrimination, imagination, and the typical). This is a book to help smart people feel hip and hip people feel smart.

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