Productive Body, The

Productive Body, The

What can a body do under capitalism? Ground-breaking explanation that links Marx to Foucault.

Productive Body, The

What can a body do under capitalism? Ground-breaking explanation that links Marx to Foucault.

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Mar 28, 2014

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Mar 28, 2014

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Stephen Shapiro
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Philip Barnard
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François Guéry
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Didier Deleule
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Communism, post-communism & socialism, Political, Semiotics & theory


The Productive Body asks how the human body and its labor have been expropriated and re-engineered through successive stages of capitalism; and how capitalism’s transformation of the body is related to the rise of scientific psychology and social science disciplines complicit with modern regimes of control. In Discipline and Punish, Foucault cited Guéry and Deleule in order to link Marx’s diagnosis of capitalism with his own critique of power/knowledge. The Productive Body brings together Marxism and theories of the body-machine for the goal of political revolution.

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