Finding Heaven Here

Finding Heaven Here

Finding Heaven Here

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Jan 30, 2009

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John C. Robinson
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Inspirational, Spirituality, Transpersonal


Have you heard the rumor? Jesus started it when he said, The father’s kingdom is spread out upon the earth and people do not see it. Joseph Campbell, the renowned scholar of religion and mythology, put it this way, This is it. This is Eden! Most recently, bestselling Power of Now mystic, Eckhart Tolle, hinted at the rumor’s spiritual meaning, saying: A new heaven is the emergence of a transformed state of human consciousness.

It’s here now and waiting for you! Finding Heaven Here explores the universal mystical awareness of Heaven on Earth. With a lively blend of first-hand descriptions, workshop-tested experiential exercises, a simple map of the religious psyche, and the remarkable testimony of mystics from across traditions, Dr. Robinson invites the reader on an astonishing journey from the problem-ridden World of Man to the actual paradise of Heaven on Earth all around us.

• Mathew Fox: A welcome contribution to the radical but universal spiritual teaching that the sacred marriage of heaven and earth is possible.
• Andrew Harvey: Finding out that this world is Heaven is crucial for human survival. John Robinson’s passionate and finely researched book will inspire seekers to open their enlightened eyes and see the world as it is.
• John Mabry: Finding Heaven Here is a crash-course in spiritual transformation. Required reading for anyone on a serious spiritual path.

John Robinson holds doctorates in clinical psychology and ministry and is an ordained interfaith minister, author, and mystic. Along with three decades of clinical practice, he has published three previous books on the interface of psychology and spirituality and taught extensively at men’s gatherings, professional conferences, hospitals, churches and retreat centers. Dr. Robinson lives on an island in the Puget Sound of Washington State. You can find his work at

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