Crystal Prescriptions volume 6

Crystal Prescriptions volume 6

Crystals for ancestral clearing, soul retrieval, spirit release and karmic healing. An A-Z guide.

Crystal Prescriptions volume 6

Crystals for ancestral clearing, soul retrieval, spirit release and karmic healing. An A-Z guide.

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Jul 28, 2017

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Jul 28, 2017

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Judy Hall
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Alternative therapies, Crystals, Energy (qigong, reiki, polarity)


This practical sixth book in the Crystal Prescriptions series covers crystals for karmic clearing, soul integration and healing the family tree. In addition to our own karma, we are hampered by ancestral memories, attitudes and beliefs that are not necessarily ours. Fortunately, some extraordinary new crystals have appeared which help us to quickly and easily break lineages and clear our ‘junk DNA’, without having to relive the trauma of karmic history. With the assistance of these crystals, and some old favourites, it is possible to heal far back into the genealogical line and our own karmic past. The healing is then projected forward into the future so that generations to come can have the benefit of garnered soul and ancestral wisdom, but without the baggage.

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