Closing the Circle

Closing the Circle

An open invitation for a fresh look at Jesus, inspired by ACIM, Thomas Gospel and Gary Renard.

Closing the Circle

An open invitation for a fresh look at Jesus, inspired by ACIM, Thomas Gospel and Gary Renard.

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Sep 26, 2008

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Rogier Fentener van Vlissingen
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Handbooks & manuals, Spirituality


Closing the Circle contains a revisionist history of early Christianity, which puts the relationship of the Thomas Gospel as proposed by Pursah in context. Pursah represents that she was the apostle Thomas in a prior life. The book also provides the briefest of introduction to A Course in Miracles given in Gary Renard’s 2006 book "Your Immortal Reality”. The bulk of Closing the Circle is the discussion of the 70 sayings, or Logia, in the context of Jesus's teachings as they are represented in this Course. It also connects it to the teachings of a pre-Pauline Jesus, who is not a proto Christian, but a wisdom teacher whose teaching appears very consistent with the modern presentation of the Course. Rogier Fentener van Vlissingen , who lives in New York, writes and speaks on the original teachings of Jesus guided by A Course in Miracles and the Thomas Gospel. He is also currently developing a commentary to the Gospel according to Mark. A must read for any serious disciple of the path of awakening, and any honest seeker of truth. Martha Lucia Espinosa, author of "Spoken Miracles""

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