Susan Dugan

Susan Dugan

Susan Dugan studies, teaches, and writes about the spiritual psychology A Course in Miracles, recognized worldwide as one of the most profound spiritual teachings of all time, offering a beacon of light in our contemporary darkness.

She chronicles her personal experience with its transformative mind healing in her popular blog:, and is co-founder and faculty member of the School of Reason for A Course in Miracles teachers and students ( in Denver, Colorado, USA.

She appears in the documentary A Course in Miracles: The Movie along with other Course teachers including Nouk Sanchez and Tomas Vieira, Take Me To Truth: Undoing the Ego, premier Course scholar, teacher, and prolific author Kenneth Wapnick, PhD, and Gary Renard, best-selling author of The Disappearance of the Universe and Your Immortal Reality. A freelance writer writing everything from newspaper and magazine articles to advertising copy and radio scripts, she also has been writing short stories for many years. Her fiction has appeared in literary magazines such as eclectica, JMWW, Carve, RiverSedge, Prosetoad, Amarillo Bay, The Saint Ann's Review, River Oak Review, and Echoes.

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