Nishant Matthews

Nishant Matthews

Nishant learned therapy skills in New York City, and then went to India to live in a meditation commune. There he learned the art of bringing meditation into the world of psychology and personal growth. For over thirty years since, Nishant has offered workshops, trainings, and individual sessions all with the aim of giving people skills for deeper levels of insight into themselves and others.
Nishant was born in a farming community in the southern USA. He graduated from Williams College and went to Union Theological Seminary, where he received a Master's degree in 1974. Nishant learned to practice therapy as a tool for the "waking up" process that happens through meditation during his time in New York and India.
Nishant currently resides in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He teaches in the Dutch Rebalancing Opleiding, and also gives courses through out Europe and USA. The titles of his trainings are "The Friend," "Presence," "Samassati Colortherapy Training", "Reunion" and "Touching Trauma: Therapy Skills for Trauma Conditions."
Nishant can be reached through his website: Body and

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