Whisper of Stone

Whisper of Stone

Whisper of Stone

Paperback £19.99 || $39.95

Jul 31, 2009

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Tess Dawson
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Paganism & neo-paganism, Reference, Spirituality


Tendrils of musky incense curl about you in Baal’s temple of seven elements. You light an oil lamp in reverence to the ancient deities. Have you ever wondered who were the deities in the land of Canaan before the Bible? A practical and well-documented guide, this work combines history and archaeology of the Canaanite world with modern insight. This handbook details:
• History
• Myth and Legend
• Festivals
• The Art of Ritual
• Magic and Divination
• Herbs, Stones, and Animals
• Honoring the Dead
Learn about Asherah poles, how to avert the Evil Eye, how ancient sorcerers created golems, and about the legends that inspired the Bible. Unearth a culture buried in bias, rediscover a pantheon and a people formerly described as excessively violent, sex-crazed, and devoid of humanity. Read of a religion far more rich and complex than previously understood.
Whisper of Stone will guide you through the sandy paths as you learn about Natib Qadish, modern Canaanite religion. The ancient stone gods call…will you answer them?

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