Shaman Pathways - Deathwalking

Shaman Pathways - Deathwalking

A Moon Books community anthology focusing on deathwalking and psychopomp work: the shamanic practice of helping the deceased's soul pass on to the next realm.

Shaman Pathways - Deathwalking

A Moon Books community anthology focusing on deathwalking and psychopomp work: the shamanic practice of helping the deceased's soul pass on to the next realm.

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Oct 26, 2018

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Oct 26, 2018

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Laura Perry
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Afterlife & reincarnation, Paganism & neo-paganism, Shamanism


Deathwalking, or psychopomping, is the shamanic practice of helping the deceased's soul pass on to the next realm. Despite being an essential aspect of the Shaman’s historic and contemporary role, it has been largely overlooked in modern Shamanic literature. Shaman Pathways – Deathwalking is an anthology offering ten perspectives on this vital and timeless practice.

Shaman Pathways – Deathwalking, features essays from Imelda Almqvist, Kenn Day, Yvonne Ryves, Elen Sentier, Dorothy Abrams, Vani Neelakantan, Janet Gale, Lucya Starza, Danu Forest, and Laura Perry.

'...a rare opportunity to learn more about guiding souls and also about the compassionate people who perform this essential service.'
Evelyn C. Rysdyk, author of The Norse Shaman

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