Plant Spirit Wisdom

Plant Spirit Wisdom

Plant Spirit Wisdom

Paperback £9.99 || $19.95

Sep 26, 2008

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Ross Heaven
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Herbal medications, Paganism & neo-paganism


Plant Spirit Wisdom reveals the hidden arts of the sin eater, a Celtic expert in healing the soul through shamanic ritual and spiritual herbalism. The ancient Welsh, Irish, and Scottish healers drew their inspiration and talents from the hidden pagan, shamanic, and herbal traditions, and especially from sin eating: the understanding that the soul is a web of energy which connects us to everyone and everything. This energy can be depleted or lost when we act out of accordance with our spiritual purpose and 'sin'. Plants and practices of soul retrieval were used to rebalance this energy, release old attachments, and repattern our lives for a more positive and healthier future. In this book, for the first time, these practices are revealed, as well as fascinating insights into the spiritual beliefs of our ancestors and the plants and herbs that can help us find health, stay healthy, and, more than this... understand our soul's purpose on Earth. Ross Heaven, a psychologist, therapist, and healer, is also an internationally-renowned workshop leader and plant spirit shaman

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