Pagan Portals - Sexual Dynamics in the Circle

Pagan Portals - Sexual Dynamics in the Circle

Sex magic has been an intrinsic part of witchcraft throughout its history. Melusine Draco provides a brief introduction to sex magic with magical exercises at the end of each chapter.

Pagan Portals - Sexual Dynamics in the Circle

Sex magic has been an intrinsic part of witchcraft throughout its history. Melusine Draco provides a brief introduction to sex magic with magical exercises at the end of each chapter.

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Mar 26, 2021

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Mar 26, 2021

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Melusine Draco
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Paganism & neo-paganism, Sacred sexuality, Witchcraft


One of the most significant social changes in the 20th-century was the wedge driven between the males and females of Craft as a result of social media and political feminism. From a purely magical point of view the battle of the sexes has been one of the most negative crusades in the history of mankind since everything in the entire Universe is made up from a balance or harmony of opposite energies. Men and women are different as night and day but still part of the same homo sapiens coin, regardless of their individual sexuality.

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