Heart of All Knowing, The

Heart of All Knowing, The

Heart of All Knowing, The

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Sep 28, 2007

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Barbara Meiklejohn-Free
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Parapsychology (general), Personal memoirs


Seership is simply living with the magic of everyday life. A natural way of living. Before we codified our symbolic understanding of the outer and inner world into ever more abstract forms of writing we all lived as seers. The followers of this right-brained tradition later came to be variously called prophets and guides, shamans and sages, mystics and saints, magicians and witches, mediums and psychics. But they share the same principles, outlined here by Barbara Meiklejohn-Free. Known widely as The Highland Seer, Barbara Meiklejohn-Free was born and bought up in the Highlands of Scotland, where the ancient tradition still survives. A spell binding trip back in time. Its a rediscovery of things we already knew deep down in our collective consciousness. A simple-to-understand, enjoyable journey that wakes you up to all that was and all that will be. Becky Walsh LBC 97.3 Radio

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