Diary of a Heretic

Diary of a Heretic

An uncompromising and heretical priest's diary exploring the meaning of life and death, success and failure, religion and magic, and instituional Churchianity.

Diary of a Heretic

An uncompromising and heretical priest's diary exploring the meaning of life and death, success and failure, religion and magic, and instituional Churchianity.

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Sep 27, 2013

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Sep 27, 2013

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Mark Townsend
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Paganism & neo-paganism, Religious, Spirituality


In June 2007 Rev. Mark Townsend resigned from his ministry as a priest after his decision to share his story of brokenness and failure with the hierarchy. This book is the irreverent and whimsical, yet honest and gut-wrenching, story of his struggle to hold on to a faith within a world that seemed to be against him. It is a story that brings hope to all those who feel the established Western religious path has lost sight of compassion, grace and the one who could easily have been called ‘Friend of Failures.’ As the author gradually digs himself out of the consequential gutter the reader will discover that all such failures can be redeemed and may even produce glittering nuggets of gold. More importantly, the reader will begin to see that his or her own failure can also lead to real moments of magic - so long as it is not repressed but accepted. A major underlying theme of the whole diary is the notion that real magic does exist, and that the magical traditions such as Druidry can be a major blessing for those who crave for something more.

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