Religion Virus, The

Religion Virus, The

An evolutionists insights into culture and religion reveals surprising answers. Why do people cling to 2,000 year old ideas?

Religion Virus, The

An evolutionists insights into culture and religion reveals surprising answers. Why do people cling to 2,000 year old ideas?

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Mar 26, 2010

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Craig A. James
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Religions evolve, not metaphorically, but in a very real way. By applying "survival of the fittest" principles to religion, we can finally understand how religion became incredibly infectious to the average human, perfectly adapted to its "environment," your mind. Infectious ideas like the loving, personal father-figure God, the promise that death is not the end, the attraction of heaven, the threat of hell, and many others, are traced from prehistoric to modern times, to show why they survived while thousands of other ideas died out. The worlds religions have amazing parallels to biological life: They reproduce, mutate, and compete with each other in an ongoing battle for the survival of the fittest. Like biological life, 99% of the worlds religions are extinct, but the ones that remain are quite remarkable, the very strongest and best. More importantly, "survival of the fittest" does not necessarily mean survival of the truth, but rather the survival of the things people want to believe, whether true or not.

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