New Philosophy of Universalism, The

New Philosophy of Universalism, The

New Philosophy of Universalism by Nicholas Hagger challenges the Dawkins-neoDarwinist view of a random universe in favour of an ordered bio-friendly one.

New Philosophy of Universalism, The

New Philosophy of Universalism by Nicholas Hagger challenges the Dawkins-neoDarwinist view of a random universe in favour of an ordered bio-friendly one.

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Jun 26, 2009

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Nicholas Hagger
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Existentialism, Metaphysics, Religious


Shortlisted for the Network Book Prize
New Philosophy of Universalism challenges the Dawkins-neoDarwinist view of a random universe in favour of an ordered bio-friendly one. Universalism takes philosophy back to its original aim: focus on the universe. Reflecting the most up-to-date scientific evidence for what the universe is Universalism focuses on cosmological bio-friendliness and the universal principle of order. Excitingly, it reconnects philosophy to Nature and the thinking of the pre-Socratic Greeks and reunifies the universe and the scientific disciplines so philosophy can once again consider the whole of reality.
Nicholas Hagger is a philosopher, cultural historian, man of letters, poet and former lecturer in the Middle East and Japan.

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