Is There an Afterlife?

Is There an Afterlife?

If so what is it like? Does memory and personality survive? How do Western ideas of the afterlife compare with Eastern?

Is There an Afterlife?

If so what is it like? Does memory and personality survive? How do Western ideas of the afterlife compare with Eastern?

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Mar 3, 2005

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David Fontana
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Afterlife & reincarnation, Psychology (general), Research


The fruit of a lifetime's research and experience by a world expert in the field, Is There An Afterlife? presents the most complete survey to date of the evidence, both historical and contemporary, for survival of physical death. It includes mediumship and channelling, spontaneous cases, hauntings, apparitions, Near Death Experiences, out of the body experiences, Electronic Voice Phenomenon, Instrumental Transcommunication and recent laboratory work. It accepts that evidence is often disputed but makes the claim that much of the phenomena is inexplicable without some form of survival. It looks at the question of what survives-personality, memory, emotions and body image-in particular exploring the question of consciousness as primary to and not dependent on matter in the light of recent brain research and quantum physics. It discusses the possible nature of the afterlife, the common threads in Western and Eastern traditions, the common features of "many levels," group souls and reincarnation.

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