Jeffrey Laird

Jeffrey Laird

Jeffrey Laird has been a philosophy enthusiast for decades and is recently retired from a 35 year career in geographic information systems technology. He has degrees in geography from George Mason University and in philosophy from the University of New Orleans. His radical theory of Portalism exceeds the scope of previous phenomenal externalist explanations by holding that consciousness is a fifth fundamental force of nature, inherent in all living things regardless of their biological sophistication. As a philosopher of mind he offers a new perspective on the enigma of consciousness as observed through the lens of the mapping scientist, demonstrating through its compelling explanatory power how Portalism successfully responds to the traditional attacks on dualism as well as the problems inherent in any philosophy of mind. Portalism offers a cogent solution to the nature of consciousness that will force the reader to reconsider the essence of reality. He lives with his wife and their three rescue cats in Frankfort, KY., USA.

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