Peter Reason

Peter Reason

Peter Reason is a writer and a sailor whose work links the tradition of nature writing with the ecological crisis of our times, drawing on scientific, ecological, philosophical and spiritual sources. He views his voyages around the western coasts of Britain as ecological pilgrimages.

During his academic career at the University of Bath, Peter made major contributions to the theory and practice of action research in writing, teaching and research in the field of sustainability. In his teaching and research, Peter drew on a wide range of literature addressing ecological issues. This included mainstream sources on business sustainability and alternative economics; scientific sources on Gaia theory and systemic approaches to planetary ecology; philosophical literature on changing worldviews; and spiritual reflections on the human place on Earth. His personal practices have included Tai Chi, Chan Buddhist meditation and the Earth-based spirituality of the Medicine Wheel. This background deeply informs his current writing.

Peter is Professor Emeritus at the University of Bath, Visiting Professor at the University of Bristol and Adjunct Professor at California Institute for Integral Studies. He lives in a Georgian Crescent in the City of Bath with a walled garden and an orchard.

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