Walking the Faery Pathway

Walking the Faery Pathway

Take a magical trip down a faery pathway to meet and communicate with Otherworldly folk and learn the faery oracle.

Walking the Faery Pathway

Take a magical trip down a faery pathway to meet and communicate with Otherworldly folk and learn the faery oracle.

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Nov 27, 2009

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Harmonia Saille
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Divination (general), Folklore & mythology, Gaia & earth energies, Paganism & neo-paganism, Witchcraft


Take a trip down a faery pathway and meet the folk of the Otherworld, the realm of the faeries in this charming and practical guide. Harmonia Saille will take you step by step along the faery pathway, teaching you all about faery culture on the way, and showing you how to connect and communicate with them. She will guide you to find particular points which act as portals to the faery realms of the Otherworld, and introduce you to the faeries of Europe and Scandinavia some of which have migrated to the New World. In contacting faeries you can ask for help in your everyday life, and Harmonia will show you how to do this. There is a further guide on how to attract the faeries to your home and garden. Read about the Faery Caille, Oracle of Wands, a tree oracle which acts as a communication channel between you and the faeries. Harmonia provides a full description of the wand meanings along with how to use and make your own set. This book is suitable for young adults upwards.

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