Call of the Forbidden Way

Call of the Forbidden Way

Some reach out for the mystical, but sometimes it's the mystical that reaches out.

Call of the Forbidden Way

Some reach out for the mystical, but sometimes it's the mystical that reaches out.

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Aug 26, 2016

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Aug 26, 2016

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Robert Owings
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Occult & supernatural, Shamanism, Visionary & metaphysical


When Carson Reynolds gets hired to produce a documentary film at a gathering of Native American medicine men, he never suspects it will be a portal into a world that will radically change his life. Despite his resistance to the Call, he is ineluctably drawn into a realm of shamans, priestesses, deities, and plant-medicine work, where he becomes engaged in a searing struggle with extra-dimensional forces that threaten the future of humanity as we know it.

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