There Once Was a Serpent

There Once Was a Serpent

A cycle of 74 limericks, with commentary, traces the history of theology from the early Church into the modern era.

There Once Was a Serpent

A cycle of 74 limericks, with commentary, traces the history of theology from the early Church into the modern era.

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May 28, 2010

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Richard Kieckhefer
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Christian theology (general), Christianity (general), Inspirational & religious


Theology is no laughing matter. Usually. This book gives a concise history of Christian theology based on a mysteriously discovered set of seventy-four limericks. Readers who already know the history of theology will read about it from an unfamiliar perspective — and beginners will learn the basics in an accessible form. The limericks range from Gnostic theology to the early ecumenical councils, then Augustine on the Trinity, Anselm of Canterbury's ontological argument and Thomas Aquinas's series of arguments for the existence of God, through the Reformation, and on to Karl Barth and Paul Tillich. The key points of Calvin's theology are reduced to limerick form, and so is the definition of papal infallibility at the First Vatican Council. If all of this seems unfamiliar, the accompanying text should help sort it all out.

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