Windsor Report

Windsor Report

How can the Anglican Church maintain its unity while recognising the wide diversity of opinion about homosexuality

Windsor Report

How can the Anglican Church maintain its unity while recognising the wide diversity of opinion about homosexuality

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Feb 17, 2005

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The Anglican Church faces what may turn out to be the biggest crisis in its history over questions of sexuality and authority, prompted by the consecration of Canon Gene Robinson as bishop of the Diocese of New Hampshire in 2003.

The Archbishop of Canterbury set up the Eames commission to determine how the Anglican Church could maintain its unity while recognising the wide diversity of opinion about homosexuality. In October 2004 the commission released The Windsor Report.

The cogently-argued articles in this book, by liberals involved in the discussions, claim that the kind of status quo offered by The Windsor Report is no answer.

The Anglican Communion has traditionally accepted a wide diversity of views. The opponents of homosexuality are trying to forbid diversity, and to impose their view on the whole communion. Their attempt to make everyone agree with them is the real change, and must be resisted.

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