Thoughtful Guide to Faith

Thoughtful Guide to Faith

Thoughtful Guide to Faith

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Dec 4, 2003

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Tony Windross
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The Thoughtful Guide series is for serious spiritual seekers looking to deepen their knowledge of a particular religion. The books are very accessible overviews of the history and the benefits that a particular religious practice can bring to the reader, well-researched and well balanced. The authors eschew fundamentalism and excessive simplifications, mapping out paths that can be followed with the mind as well as the heart.

This book is for anyone who would like to take faith seriously but finds their intelligence getting in the way. It outlines, in 37 short chapters, many of the objections raised to formal Christian religion, and suggests ways of dealing with them which do not compromise people's intellectual integrity. It sometimes seems that religion is only for those who can switch their brains off, and so many bizarre things are said in the name of Christianity that it's hardly surprising if most thinking people want nothing to do with it. The claim made here is that Christianity is far more about the way we live than the way we think, that faith can work for all of us, and that what we may or may not believe must never be allowed to get in the way of faith.

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