Quaker Quicks - Quaker Roots and Branches

Quaker Quicks - Quaker Roots and Branches

Quaker witness in the world today, its rationale, and how it derives from the insights of earlier Quaker generations.

Quaker Quicks - Quaker Roots and Branches

Quaker witness in the world today, its rationale, and how it derives from the insights of earlier Quaker generations.

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Jul 27, 2018

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Jul 27, 2018

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John Lampen
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History, Quaker


Quaker Roots and Branches explores what Quakers call their “testimonies” - the interaction of inspiration, faith and action to bring change in the world. It looks at Quaker concerns around the sustainability of the planet, peace and war, punishment, and music and the arts in the past and today. It stresses the continuity of their witness over three hundred and sixty-five years as well as their openness to change and development.

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