Quaker Quicks - Practical Mystics

Quaker Quicks - Practical Mystics

Are Quakers mystics? What does that mean? And how does it translate into how we are and what we do in the world?

Quaker Quicks - Practical Mystics

Are Quakers mystics? What does that mean? And how does it translate into how we are and what we do in the world?

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Dec 14, 2019

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Jennifer Kavanagh
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Mysticism, Quaker, Spirituality


Are Quakers mystics? What does that mean? How does it translate into how we are and what we do in the world?

'Jennifer Kavanagh has written a lovely book which I found to be to be compelling reading. In a very practical way she explains the meaning of mysticism for Quakers and how an experience, which some might regard as being esoteric, can be truly meaningful for many today.'
Terry Waite

Practical Mystics is Jennifer Kavanagh's first addition to the burgeoning series Quaker Quicks, which examines every aspect of what it means to be a Quaker, from John Hunt Publishing imprint Christian Alternative.

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