Amulet Manual, The

Amulet Manual, The

Amulet Manual, The

Paperback £9.99 || $14.95

Jul 27, 2007

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Kim Farnell
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Reference, Spirituality


Why not wear something attractive that has significance for you? Jewelry, charms or a decorative piece that you have made yourself? Amulets are not difficult to make, and this book supplies all the information you need. It describes a wide variety of amulets made with gemstones, herbs, signs or words and shows you when and how to make them. No special skills are required, and its a craft we can all enjoy and benefit from. From the earliest days of prehistory people have protected themselves with the use of amulets-objects imbued with mysterious and magical powers. Prayers, offerings and sacrifices were offered to the good spirits to grant blessings, amulets stopped the evil spirits from taking them away. Worn on the body, usually around the neck, they provided health, luck, fertility, power, success and almost any other need. When carrying an inscription, maybe pieces of parchment with scripture quotes, they can be called charms. Over the years they have come and gone in fashion but their purpose endures, and they are again increasing in popularity.

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