Harry Freedman

Harry Freedman

Harry Freedman has combined an entrepreneurial and academic career. With a PhD in Aramaic, the language that Jesus spoke, his research and publications have centred around religious and historical Judaism during Jesus's period and immediately after.

Stepping outside his commercial career he spent seven years as the Chief Executive of Masorti synagogues; a high profile role within the British Jewish community, which promoted an academically centred, historically minded interpretation of Judaism. He has lectured in the UK, USA, France and Israel.

On the commercial side, he established the first wholefood restaurant outside of London, ran businesses in property, health care and construction, and currently runs Career Energy, a thriving and fast growing management consultancy.


Reflections of the Year (Masorti Publications) Editor & Contributor 1997
High Holiday Companion (Masorti Publications) Contributor 1995
Pesach Companion (Masorti Publications) Contributor 1996
Encyclopaedia of Modern Jewish Culture (Oxford University Press) Contributor 2005

Jewish Bible Quarterly
Jacob and Esau: Their Struggle in the 2nd Century. April-June 1995
Judaism Today Isaac- Hero of the Pre-Biblical Passover. Spring 1995
Judaism Today Book Review: The Midrashic Process –Irving Jacobs Autumn 1995
Jewish Quarterly Pygmies in the Footsteps of Giants-
British Jewry at a Crossroads. December 1995
Judaism Today When Jews Sought to Make Converts December 1995
Jewish Bible Quarterly
Go and Learn (a study of Mishnah Pesachim 10,4) April 1996
Judaism Today The Philosophy of Jewish Continuity September 1996
Jewish Quarterly What’s so terrible about having two Jewish people? Spring 1997
Judaism Today Doeg the Edomite- A Political Use of Heresy? Winter 1997
London Jewish News
Voice of Battle in the Camp Nov. 14th 1997
Manna The Giant Whose Time Had Not Yet Come Spring 1998
Torchlight (USA) In Britain: A Success Story Fall 1988
Jewish Chronicle The Benefits of Religious Harmony Nov.20th 1998
Conservative Judaism
Forging Masorti Judaism in Britain and Europe Winter 2000
Manna Between Two Poles Autumn 2001
Jewish Chronicle Universal taste for trendy Tikkun Oct. 26th 2001
Jewish Chronicle Exploding Myths (book review) October 2001
Jewish Chronicle Interpreting the Torah (book review) Spring 2003
Jewish Chronicle Booklog February 2006
New Law Journal Conducting Successful Appraisals March 2006
Jewish Chronicle Assessing the Heritage July 2006
Aramaic Studies The Halachic Sources for Targum Pseudo-Jonathan Forthcoming

Books by this author