John Hunt Publishing - Moon Books - announces the new title

Arc of the Goddess

Rachel Patterson, Tracey Roberts

This year-long Arc of the Goddess course will take you on a personal journey of discovery, taking each month as the wheel of the year turns and introducing you to different goddesses and pantheons with your choice (or theirs…) about who you work with and how you work with them. The authors hope to help you connect with the magical energies of each month as well as giving you lots of practical exercises to work with and suggestions on how to make your spiritual connection stronger.

Author Bio
Rachel Patterson is High Priestess of the Kitchen Witch Coven and an Elder of the Kitchen Witch School of Natural Witchcraft. A Green/Kitchen Witch with an added dash of hedgewitch and folk magic. She lives in Portsmouth, UK.
Online: Facebook, Author Website, Blog, Twitter

Tracey Roberts (Sunchylde DryadMoon) is an Elder and co High Priestess of the Kitchen Witch online School and Coven. She walks an eclectic path taking practices and inspiration from any area that works for her.

Previous Titles
Pagan Portals - Kitchen Witchcraft, Feb 2013, Moon Books (9781780998435). Grimoire of a Kitchen Witch, June 2013, Moon Books (9781780999586). Pagan Portals - Hoodoo, August 2013, Moon Books (9781782790204). Pagan Portals - Moon Magic, January 2014, Moon Books (9781782792819). A Kitchen Witch's World of Magical Herbs - October 2014, Moon Books, (9781782796213).

Promotional Plans
Author websites, Facebook, Twitter. Authors have been running the base of this as an online course, worldwide. Dedicated website for course. Pagan fairs and festivals: talks and workshops.

Takes the reader on a personal journey throughout all pantheons, and helps them to create and work with their own personal pantheon of goddesses and the specific energies of each month.

Competing Books
Avalon Within (9780738719979), by Jhenah Telyndru
Llewellyn, 2010

BODY, MIND & SPIRIT(OCC036050) -> Spirituality(OCC036050) -> Divine Mother, The Goddess, Quan Yin(OCC036050)
BODY, MIND & SPIRIT(REL117000) -> Spirituality(REL117000) -> Paganism & Neo-Paganism(REL117000)


Publication Date
June 2016

ISBN: 978-1-78535-318-5
$21.95  |  £12.99
8.5x5.5 inches | 216x14o mm

ISBN: 978-1-78535-319-2
$5.99  |  £3.99

Library of Congress

Distributed to the trade by National Book Network in US; by Orca Marston in UK
Publisher contact: [email protected]