Until Death Don't Us Part

Until Death Don't Us Part

brings strength and comfort to the bereaved and guidance to counsellors. Hayward uses her own experience to draw on mediumistic evidence of the survival of spirit after death.

Until Death Don't Us Part

brings strength and comfort to the bereaved and guidance to counsellors. Hayward uses her own experience to draw on mediumistic evidence of the survival of spirit after death.

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Oct 29, 2010

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Deborah Kay Hayward
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Deborah Hayward was widowed at just 43 years old and left with four children and very little income. Life had been turned upside down and desperate for guidance she turned to self-help books on bereavement. Horrified at what she found there she resolved to find a spiritual truth more in keeping with her beliefs and experiences as a Psychic and Medium. Having found the advice she had read cold and dismissive of the powerful evidence of life after death, she decided to write her own book on coping with life after bereavement, which would incorporate the beautiful loving relationships possible with loved ones that have passed to spirit. Using her own experience and drawing on mediumistic evidence of the survival of spirit after death she composed a book to bring strength and comfort to the bereaved and guidance to counsellors. This book is meant to bring hope and inspiration.

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