Psychic Children

Psychic Children

Amazing real life stories of psychic children. The little girl who could talk to the dead, the little boy who remembered his past life.

Psychic Children

Amazing real life stories of psychic children. The little girl who could talk to the dead, the little boy who remembered his past life.

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Sep 24, 2010

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Joanne Brocas
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Children with special needs, Parapsychology (general)


Psychic Children is a very helpful and informative book on understanding childrens psychic gifts and also includes amazing real life stories of psychic children from around the world. Read about childrens past lives, intuitive children and stories of startling contact with deceased family members from beyond the grave. There is a great chapter on Children and Angels that also introduces some of the angelic realm and the ways in which they can assist both parent and child. Children are very intuitive and use their psychic senses daily without any effort on their part. Psychic Children also offers great advice for parents on the development, protection and healing of their little ones and ways in which to strengthen the intuition for both parent and child.

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