

Delusion by Philip Gardner uncovers alien conspiracies and ghostly visitations. Whats the real truth? Are we deluding ourselves?


Delusion by Philip Gardner uncovers alien conspiracies and ghostly visitations. Whats the real truth? Are we deluding ourselves?

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Dec 11, 2009

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Philip Gardiner
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Supernatural, Ufos & extraterrestrials, Unexplained phenomena


Are the marketing men of the world deluding us? Can we believe all that we hear and see? Or are we deluding ourselves? How many of us are truly happy? This book is the result of an awakening. It is the same awakening to the self and to the wonder of the cosmos that has driven thinking men and women for generations. It is the same awakening that has been the generative cause of the affect of religion and belief. It is the same awakening that has then caused man to revolt against the same. Delusion is a human phenomenon and it is the cause of almost every problem mankind has created. This book is an attempt to explain the processes of delusion and in so-doing we find answers to some of the biggest mysteries: Alien abduction, UFOs, Ghosts and the Paranormal, Propaganda and Religious mind control of the masses Is mankind ready for truth? Not only is it out there, it has been waiting for us.

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