15/11/15 | By

Overcoming your Fears

When you think of fear in your sales career what things come to mind? Could it be the fear of closing a sale?  How about the fear of being totally honest while presenting your customer? Fear takes on many shapes and form throughout the sales floor. Sometimes it is the littlest things that may seem silly that has fear behind it keeping your from your freedom. How about the fear of losing a sale because of simple  daily task such as cleaning the glass, sending thank you notes or taking out the trash? I use to allow fear to control me in such a way and it was leading me down the path to an unfulfilling sales career. Then something divine happened that changed my sales career and life forever. I was gifted with the insight to understand how fear operates and how to overcome it.

In order to free yourself from fears you must first understand how fear operates. Did you know that fear operates as a team? Fear leads you doubt. Then doubt leads you to false reality. It is false reality that leads you to shame. Ultimately, shame leads you to defeat. Take a moment and look this over closely again. This is a powerful truth that you need to examine deeper. In order to make thing a little clearer I will share with you a few personal stories that best illustrate how fear has operated in my life.

When I was around nine years old I was watching a scary movie at a friend’s house that I should not have been watching. This is where fear first took root. Around 10pm it was time for me to walk home. Now doubt set in because it was dark and windy that night. As I began to walk the short journey home I could have sworn that creature was out to get me. Does this sound like false reality to you? I ran back to my friend’s house and called my dad in tears to come get me. I was very ashamed at this point. Ultimately this led to defeat as I was on restriction for a little while. In the end I wish I had never watched that movie and allowed fear to master me.

This story may sound a little silly but it is the perfect example of how fear operates within your sales career and life. Now let’s take a more current story and show you how I have defeated fear. The vision and insight of Modern Day Selling came to me over time and my sales career flourished. Over the past few months I have had the desire to share this insight with sales associates across the country so they may find the same success and fulfillment. As I began my new journey fear was present and trying it’s best to stop me from my calling. Doubt called out saying, “Why would you leave such success on something that is not guaranteed to be received?” Then false reality began to tell me that I would never make it bigger than my monthly articles. The good news is that I have the light of truth to help me see these things clearly. There is no shame or defeat in my future because I have learned to overcome my fears.

The important thing to point out is that truth also operates as a team. Truth gives you confidence. Then confidence ignites passion and energy. Passion and energy is the fuel that leads you to success. Finally success leads you to greatness. Hopefully this has given you some fresh insight to help you better yourself and your career. I challenge you to use this not only in your sales career but also in life. For those of you desiring more insight on overcoming your fears I encourage you to explore this deeper once “Modern Day Selling” hits the book stores. As I begin speaking at trade shows around the country I hope to meet you in person someday and you can share with me your victories over your fears.

moderdaysellModern Day Selling - Unlocking your hidden potential

Brian Barfield

Modern Day Selling is designed to help sales associates find a greater success. Over the years the world has evolved. Unfortunately, the styles and concepts of sales training have not. As greed set in we began to train our sales associate improperly on ways to trick and manipulate our customers. This has created a separation between sales associates and customers. This book is designed to help reconnect them.





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